Was having a bad day today....
Woke up from a long nap.............
First thing i do....
Then i checked my blog..................
CHECKED nuffnang...................................
Found out DIGI has a campaign of SAVE (nature,health, and more on...check it out on nuffie)
THEN i registered myself ....
Open my email inbox...................
Read a really really heart-breaking story....
And made me ponder into deep thoughts.....
We usually think about ourself more than about others(humans)...and this is the factor why we've neglected even the animals the nature created by GOD.DON'T you think we are one selfish creature on earth!
Have you ever wonder only YOU yes...YOU are the only one who have feelings and emotion and thoughts....that's controlled by ur BRAIN!
Even birds with bird brains ( as we say, meaning no brains), see the pictures below, how untrue is the statement that we have used all our lives. Hope the human race could/do have as much compassion as this little swallow.
DON'T you know that animals too have feelings,emotions etc......yeah that shows they too have brains....but it's just much much less functional than OURS....
BUT that doesn't mean that we can misuse them or torture them to our own likings.......
And many people think animals don't have a brain or feelings?????
And many people think animals don't have a brain or feelings?????
Here his wife is injured and her condition is fatal.
She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road...
He tried to move her...a rarely-seen effort for swallows!
Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again,he cries with adoring love.
He stood beside her,saddened of her death.
Finally aware that she would never return to him,he stood beside her body with sadness and sorrow.
After reading this email send by my dearest cousin bro Shawn....I really learn to be more contented to what i have...it makes me think even deeper.......
What GOD had provided me through my entire life.............
WHY......today i had a really rough time!I shed tears...of sadness...yeah..was super duper emotional today....maybe due to PMS ...?haha blame on it...ya must learn to handle this situation better next time...PRAY FOR ME!
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