One colloq down and another yet to come..Pharmacology.Today we celebrated Joanne's birthday indoor.After such a long time we haven't cook for any of our group mate's birthday party due to laziness..out of "BUSINESS" we happen to cook.We had a teamwork preparing food.Regan and Shah and not forgetting yee kean made yummy spaghetti bolognise.Tjen made sago melon aka sago-strawberry-mango coconut desert.SUPERB!!!Wee Gee roasted one non halal and another one halal chicken specially for SHAH..It was well marinated chicken.MICHELLE baked bread pudding and made shepherd pie.Ahh...ya...not forgetting Tze Fen made chicken rich in spices (direct translate frm bahasa melayu)Well everyone ate till bloated.Congested with food till i got tummy upset.That made me skipping prayer meet halfway.Towards the end of the party we had cam whoring session.Took few pictures.With us posing lamely.I was exhausted at the end..
Even though I'm super tired now..But i felt like writing something about my day.Honestly speaking I'm very happy today but mix with a little disappointed feeling.Today was a tough day.Had pathanatomy test today.Skip pharmacology class to study for that subject but was kinda disappointed because i didnt do well.It was my carelessness and was blurry maybe due to lack of sleep.SAD!But praise GOd.His grace is sufficient to lift me up,out from my little storm.Im learning to overcome things especially disappointment in studies.God is still bigger than my difficulties and sadness.Stay joyful always in His presence.He's molding me.Im learning and trying my very best.I had a really tough week this week.Feeling that my spiritual walk with God is rocky.I need to rely on His strength.Wanna seek Him every single day.But something is just disturbing me when i'm trying to seek God to speak to Him or when i'm praying.I guess this is my spiritual welfare.I got mad with people around me so easily and I'm feeling 24/7 gloomy.Like i lost the sunshine God gave me:(...Feeling reluctant to go for prayer meet.Being mad with God..Blaming God for things that weren't fair around me.Blaming my friends who actually meant good for me and cares for me yet seeing them at the darker side.This whole week really draw me further from my walk with God.That really bring me to a darker place.I felt really empty and there's no peace in me...But today after my path anatomy test i came to learn that even i had draw further from Him..He is still there to lift me up when I;m feeling down.He surround me with friends to encourage me.Mum who loves me.And especially God almighty who loves me so much...i prayed and the peace from Him just reign on me.God's doing is Holy.He never bring the storms to destroy me..But HE helped me to overcome the storms and to rebuild me to be strong in His strength.AMEN!Blessed be His name forever and ever.PRAISE HIM!
have a blessed day everyone and stay close to God!
=)God cares for you.=)
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