Back home in Malaysia one of my favorite reality show was AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL!Each time when i turn on the show..my mum would always say"Jayne .. why watch such show?You're not going to become a model also.. let me watch my korean series instead..no point you watch them modelling..so bo liu!"But i would still continue with my show.Just love watching them.You guys out there would think why would a girl would wanna watch their own species?HAHAH..Now let me tell you bits of hidden secrets about we girls!

Just love to watch their super long legs...admiring them.What they have that we don't have.But hey I m not being discontented.It's normal.If you think that only guys are allowed to see girls then you're wrong.All girls will talk bout pretty girls who walks pass them.Especially those with tall,slim figure.And not forgetting the short cute ones too.AHAH..Maybe that would be different case.Not forgetting the most important point of modeling is their fashion.FABULOUS!They just fit in all types of clothings their designer put on them.They are just blessed with their figure.USUALLY tall ppl fits in nicely with any clothes.They simply look pretty.GLAMOROUS! BUT of course they need to have good figures and features too la.If not how to model on magazines and commercial and so on.I love Tommy Hilfiger's models.Just love their simple and authentic look.

Little models...maybe not my type of liking.. they look great but no offends i just dot agree.. maybe im a little kolot..

Get what i mean...

Pure and innocent..
PAUSE..let you guys dream a while..especially for girls out there...

Pretty satin white gown* heart * heart * heart*

honestly..Sometimes I wonder why the ang mo kia's get the good features and figures..I m sure you girls and guys out there do admire them a lot too right..Hey but wait..WE ASIANs models too.We have the quality of those ang mo kia's models too.The asians have different exotic type of look that is special.ANG MO KIAS have different type and we ASIANS have different type of uniqueness too.Believe it .. they too do admire us ASIANS.WE ARE PROUD TO BE WHO WE ARE.No matter big or small eyes,sharp or flat nose,black or white skin,yellow or brown skin,red or brunette hair,black or white hair...(aiks..white hair=old ppl?)Ya..old ppl to are beautiful.Once i saw a russian old grandma(babushka) and i just stared at ther skin without noticing i'm acting weird.I like WOW...this granny has better skin then mine...and some they look so cute..hahaim not joking.They look like a round baked potato.It's a compliment okay!they just look CUTE!
But lately this thin figure of this models had just bring negative influence to the young generation and even the older ones too..Models...they are so called the role models to the young generation..the TEENS...they ended up obsessing with their figures..trying to obtain figures like the models have..therefore they ended up with aneroxia nervosa and bulimic..all this eating disorder is causing the little young teens to fall into the biggest black hole of the fashion industry.Moreover the models are one of the fashion victims too...some ended up loosing their health to maintain "THIN FIGURES"just to fulfill the world's fashion industry...what a sad thing to see them suffering just to become pretty and thin...is this right?to get you life threaten just to fit in the world's lifestyle..or the NO FAT PPL"S WORLD?WE SHOULD TAKE ACTION..

This is to acknowledge people that aneroxiae kills!
GUYS!guys who are not being honest would always say "I don't look at a girl's appearance first,but i look within her heart"..ya right!BE HONEST K!Surely there are guys who look at girls not because of their dressing or their absolute flawless skin but they do look within a girl's heart.YA and that's one in a million.Maybe if there's a guy like that most of them are already taken or even no longer living on this planet or even haven't been born yet...Biggest disappointment to the girls out there.


DROOLING...mouth wide open...eyes popping out...loosing our mind...hahah..wow..liang chai a liang chai!**..faster look look look...yah..that's what a girls always say among the girls.AND YAH...we do look at guys like how you guys look at girls too..so BE CAREFUL!WATCH out the way you bring yourself..hahah..we are the female wolf..Use to like ang mo kia 's guys..When i was small..i would always tell my mum i would wish to marry PRINCE WILLIAM..I even told this to my secondary school friends..SO TAK PAI SEH RIGHT!hahaha hey...he's dashingly handsome k.But he's getting bald ad la...too bad..but he wil still be my handsome prince charming..Recalling my childhood time ..i always wanted bigger eyes with double eyelids..so each time when my dad snap pictures of me i would be ready to widen my eyes...To get the effect of bigger eyes..yah..im obsessed since when i was a little girl...And till now im still the same.But imperfectness brings out the beauty in certain uniqueness way.Ya and i do believe that.WE ARE BEAUTIFULLY CREATED IN GOD'S IMAGE...

Use to think that if i marry an ang mo guy..my kids would have bigger eyes,sharper nose,pretty hair color...wow you guys surely think im crazy...hahah..but believe it ..it's every asian girl's dream..okay maybe not all.. But now i've change my taste...ahahahahah NO MORE ANG MO LANG!!!! Love watching korean series...so im sure you know what type of guys i like..hahaha... then...when i was introduce to taiwanese series by joanne..and boom..i like WU ZHUN...so u know la ...hahaha Im still young..inside and outside...(hahahaha..=P)ya..im nuts..but this is who i am..Im a girl who's enjoying her life being a single..with freedom and would wanna explore the world and meeting more and more friends..especially those liang chais...sniff sniff**## nah..joking..
the end~~****
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